What Is Oral Sedation?
Oral sedation is the second level of sedation that is offered at our office. This option is commonly offered to patients 16 yrs old or older that are having more complex procedures, such as wisdom teeth extractions, or who have more severe dental anxiety. It is a heavier sedation option than nitrous sedation and is administered through an oral tablet.
The Process
Below are the 4 steps for an oral sedation appointment:
Consult With Dentist
First, book a consultation with the dentist. A consult can be in-person or over the phone. The dentist will discuss the treatment plan, answer questions and go over the oral sedation process.
Discuss Financials
The next step is discussing the financials with our administrative team. A predetermination will be sent to them before giving the estimate to the patient. Our receptionists will then help find a day to book the appointment.
Some insurances won’t cover oral sedation if done in conjunction with some dental treatment.
Prepare For Appointment Day
To help patients prepare for the appointment day, our administrative team will email consent forms, and pre-op/post-op instructions to review prior to the appointment. This way, if patients have any questions, they can be answered beforehand for a smooth appointment day.
You will need to organize a ride home and someone to watch you for the rest of the day.
Appointment Day
Finally, it’s the day of the appointment. Patients are to arrive an hour prior to the time treatment will start. A receptionist will ask for the phone number and name of the patient’s ride. Once patients are brought into the treatment room by one of our dental assistants, they will be seated. When the dentist arrives, they will review the procedures for the day and review the consent forms. Once the consent form is signed, oral sedation will be given.
Let your ride know that they are required to come into the office when they pick you up so the dentist can give them instructions and help them walk you out to the car.
Here are some of the most commonly asked questions we get about oral sedation.
When Is Oral Sedation Recommended?
Oral sedation is most commonly recommended as a sedation option for adult patients who have dental anxiety and are getting more complex treatments, such as extractions.
Can I Eat Or Drink Before My Appointment?
Read our pre-op instructions to learn what to do to properly prepare for your appointment.
How Long Does The Sedation Last?
Just like dental freezing, the effects of oral sedation depend on the individual patient. Typically lasts a few hours and most patients tend to sleep it off. This is why it is recommended to take the remainder of the day off work or school.