Nitrous Sedation


What Is Nitrous Sedation?

Nitrous sedation, commonly called “laughing gas”, is the most basic of the sedation options offered at our office. This type of sedation is typically recommended as the first option for young children who suffer from dental anxiety. During nitrous sedation, the patient is relaxed but still awake and aware. 



The Process

Below are the 4 steps for a nitrous sedation appointment:



Consult With Dentist

First, book a consultation with the dentist. A consult can be in-person or over the phone. The dentist will discuss the treatment plan, answer questions and go over the nitrous sedation process. 



Discuss Financials

The next step is discussing the financials with our administrative team. A predetermination will be sent to insurance and an estimate will be given to the patient. Our administrative team will then schedule the treatment appointment.

Some insurances won’t cover sedation costs



Prepare For The Day

To help patients prepare for the appointment day, our administrative team will email consent forms, and pre-op/post-op instructions to review prior to the appointment. This way, if patients have any questions, they can be answered beforehand for a smooth appointment day.



Appointment Day

Finally, it’s the day of the appointment. Patients are asked to arrive at least 5mins prior to their appointment time. Once patients are brought into the treatment room by one of our dental assistants, they will be seated and asked to sign consent forms. Once the consent form is signed, the treatment will begin.




Here are some of the most commonly asked questions we get about nitrous sedation.


When Is Nitrous Sedation Recommended?

Nitrous sedation is most commonly recommended as the first step for children who have dental anxiety. It helps relax them enough to have a positive dental visit.

Can I Eat Or Drink Before My Appointment?

Read our pre-op instructions to learn what to do to properly prepare for your appointment.

How Long Does The Sedation Last?

With nitrous sedation, the effects stop as soon as the dentist stops administering the nitrous oxide. Patients are kept for a few minutes after to insure they feel well and ready to go home.


More Questions?

We’re happy to answer any of your questions about nitrous sedation.