Dental Impants



 What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants can be an option to replace a missing tooth instead of a dental bridge or partial denture. An implant is surgically placed in the jaw to serve as the missing root, then a crown is placed on top to complete it. Dental implants can help restore function and prevent bone loss.



The Process

Below are the 5 steps in the implant process:



Book An Implant Consult

First, call and book an implant consult. At this appointment, the dentist will discuss placing an implant for the patient. Sometimes an implant might not be the best option for a patient or perhaps may need to be referred to a specialist. The dentist will also explain the process.



Book An Implant Workup

The next step will be an implant workup. At this appointment, the dentist will have images and a scan taken of the patient. They will then create a treatment plan. Once a treatment plan is created, the administrative team can submit a predetermination to the patient's insurance and create an estimate.

*Most insurances do not cover the implant but might cover the implant crown


Book Implant Placement

When ready to proceed, we will schedule your implant surgery. The dentist will place the implant using a special guide. In some cases, the extraction of the tooth or a bone graft might also be done at this appointment.

*A week follow-up will be booked at this appointment.



Book Implant Crown Impression

This appointment is booked 4-6 months after the implant placement appointment, once everything has healed. An impression of the implant is taken and sent off to the lab where they will make the final crown.


Book Implant Crown Fit

Finally, a 50-min appointment will be booked two weeks after the impression is taken. The dentist will cement or screw the implant crown on the abutment.



Dr. Shane Van Biezen

Which Practitioners Do Dental Implants?

At the Golden Dental Centre, we have two dentists that provide dental implants:

Dr. Shane Van Biezen and Dr. Chad Gennings.

Dr. Chad Gennings


Have Questions?

We’re happy to answer any of your questions about dental implants.